13986 Cambie Road,
Richmond BC CANADA
+1 604 440 5937

君金资本 上海黄浦区鲁班路600号
+86 186 1655 6274

SeeKing Capital君金资本

By improving the corporate governance structure, standardizing financial management, introducing professionals and optimizing the integration of resources, we can help enterprises continuously enhance their intrinsic value, and realize the capital market value of enterprises by promoting the successful listing of enterprises, so as to obtain high returns in the capital market with enterprise shareholders.


Technology and Innovation. We are focusing on and investing.

Power Generation

Technology and Innovation. We are focusing on and investing.


Technology and Innovation. We are focusing on and investing.

Off-Road Vehicles

Technology and Innovation. We are focusing on and investing.

What We do

SeeKing Capital focuses on investing in high-quality enterprises with core competitiveness.

SeeKing Capital君金

Renewable Energy(hydrogen, Solar, Sea Energy ...)

SeeKing Capital君金

Intelligent microgrid with Hydrogen energy storage

SeeKing Capital君金

Environmental protection, Zero Emission

SeeKing Capital君金

Smart Equipment Manufacturing

SeeKing Capital君金

Life science industries, Biology and Medicine

SeeKing Capital 君金资本

We specialize in providing financing solutions to companies with limited access to capital, businesses with complex business models, and entrepreneurs with breakthrough opportunities.